lunedì 28 settembre 2009

The Feds....what next?

So here we are in late September 2009 with the whole World that seems to be out of the ugly woods of depression. Actually out of recession as well. So says mainstream media.

Now, needless to say that all this hype is extremely overrated, it just looks like right now that we might be headed towards some weird events in the near future.
The Federal Reserve is going to be audited? Will the big guys at Washington allow this to happen?
Ben Bernanke had spoken quite frankly a couple of months ago, under Oath at Congress, stating that Politics should never interfere with Economics and with whom is doing all to save the World! Printing money and ingulfing the press machines apparently is their way to save the World.
Let’s just leave the Feds continue in their masterpiece of changing the World once and for all????
That is what they are doing and they are trying to show us the other side of the coin.
People, you must read between the lines, watch carefully what is shown on tv and realize that everything is changing right before our eyes.
Not even 2 months ago Bernanke (still under Oath) stated that the Federal Reserve was by all means not intentioned to monetize the US debt. And that their purchase of US bonds would have ended this coming October 2009.
Just yesterday at the FMOC meeting they obviously extended their purchasing to March 2010 and at that date (unless some strange events happen in the meantime) they will surely extend their buying even more.
What are they trying to pull? Nothing really. Just that no other buyer is out there for Government bonds, so the Feds are there just hoping to that someday someone else will step in and start believing in the United States of America.

Now we have the FDIC, the Federal Dept. Insurance Company that is literally broke.
Today Georgian Bank went belly up and it shall cost the FDIC almost 1billion dollars. We are getting at 100 banks failed in 2009. Recovery.....ya!
Rumours are now that the FDIC might be looking for borrowing funds from the Big Banks instead of trying to get baled out from the good ‘ol taxpayer.
Who do you think will step in and save the FDIC? Take a nice wild guess.
If I were to gamble on this event I would definitely put all my bets on Goldman Sachs. My thought are that they already started in the past days or weeks to unload their current holdings in stocks since they have already made their big gains in the biggest short-term rally of the Century. Now they might be in need of some cash so......what better time than now to unload and let the market crash or let’s it crash.
Time will tell.....

Good luck everyone.


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