venerdì 10 luglio 2009

July 10th .... is CNBC drinking too much "green tea"?

Two months ago I posted a video on youtube with thoughts that the crisis was far from over. At that point the DOW was in the 8500 area. Remember at that time, all the media was optimistic about the bounce we've seen from the 6500's and the biggest comeback ever seen in the markets since the Great Depression.
Now, I am not an economist, a financial guru whatsoever.....I'm just a "realist" like other claim thereselves to be out there....but they're looking at the wrong side of the coin!
Mathematics is not an's pure fact and "maybe" subject to manipulation (can't imagine if the cookbooks hadn't been touched where we'd be now!!!).
I've been reading away.......information....information, our most precious resource available on the Planet.
Doesn't anybody else here smell that the roast in the oven is getting burnt? Way too many ridiculous "green shoots" being pumped into the media.
What do they think? That we are total idiots and we will go spend our last worthless dimes left now to show that we're all optimistic about the near future? That scares me even more!!!!
Anyhow, no need to layout my reasons here that the worst is not over. We are getting numerous out there about what is about to strike the World Economy once again. And it's not going to be milder than the previous one.....u can't hide an ugly face behind tons of makeup when it's about to rain hard and u don't have any umbrella!
Here's my last video (2 months after my 1st one)......



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