venerdì 5 febbraio 2010

Friday Feb 5th 2010, 2pm on spot. MARKET REVERSAL! A MIRACLE?

For those who trade or for those who simply follow the stock market for pleasure, curiosity or whatever reason, today I've seen the same 'ol thing happening AGAIN!
After the sell-off we've experienced yesterday, I was starting to think that LEG DOWN N°2 was on its way.
But today, after the market started it's steady descent after 10am, at exactly 2pm est I've noticed a sudden bump up which was not showing any weakness at all.
Now, this is NOT the investor putting his money back into the markets. What is it then?
Take a wild guess...

There are so many issues that are deeply concerning investors. At home and overseas.

It just remains astonishing how things like what happened today just pass as market confidence coming back and all is good. Buying opportunities in this little pullback.
Well, maybe. Time will tell.

But one thing I can guarantee... we are not in a bull market.


And to all the Americans out there, the markets want you to enjoy a weekend in serenity and relaxation in front of the TV watching the Superbowl not worrying about what might happen next week.



mercoledì 3 febbraio 2010

Listen to TV and put your money where they tell you

I've had it now.
All I hear on tv is BS.....over a nice dose of BS!

How come they don't comment on these issues for example?

Geithner and Bernanke: Laundering Money Through an Illegal Trust?

lunedì 1 febbraio 2010

The Bull run is over?

First question should be: what bull run? Have we seriously had a bull run since March '09 to early January '10? Or was it all just pure manipulation led by the Fed's printing press running 24-7?
Has the economy "seriously improved" since march '09? Do people actually remember what the entire world was facing at the beginning of '09? It all looked like the world as we knew was coming to an end.
All of a sudden on March 9th, 2009 is became all good. Just like that!
Fantasy camp is something that only Cosmo Kramer lives in! Wake up folks and smell the coffee.

Now, having said that, I am not here to confirm that the stock market is going to start its next down leg....yet. But one thing I am quite sure's going to happen.
When? That I don't know, and nobody around does either.
It all depends on when the true s#]it will hit the fan and trigger the mother of all downlegs!

We may see new highs from here, for what I know. And to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised too.
This morning Obama came out with his new spending budget for 2010. A whopping $3.8 trillion!!!!
Ya, you heard that right. 3.8......TRILLION!
Now, for those of you that are good with numbers, you certainly don't need any explanation. For those instead that watch CNBC, Bloomberg TV....or Oprah.....then you better wake up and start saving whatever you have left since soon enough there are going to be some changes that you weren't aware of.
Tax cuts? I DON'T THINK SO.
But Obama said he's not going to tax more!!!! Ya, ok.......keep on dreaming.
When prices of goods start raising 5-10% per year/quarter/month...who know where they can go.....then you'll realize that whatever this Administration is DEAD WRONG!

Don't say I haven't warned ya.



martedì 5 gennaio 2010

2010 May Be A Year To Remember?

We're there. January 2010 is here and whatever the Bears may say, so far they're still in pain.
Being short this market since last April/May (sell in May and go away!) must be so painful since the chance of a lifetime was (or still is???) right among us all. Right in our face!

Now what?
Is it too late to ride the Bull wagon to 1500 or is it time to short it back down to 666 and under?
Nobody knows that for a fact!
MSM has been cheering since April that the recession was over. The eternal Permabear Economists have been shouting to be careful and not fall for this sucker rally.
Well, you can't always be right.

Forget about the financial advisors/brokers. They are human beings just like yourself and in this totally manipulated stock market you're better off taking your own calls.

There are signals out there (not so clear) that show that the major investors (those who carry the biggest cake) are still waiting for confirmations about where to go (sell or buy). So far they are still on the sidelines with their major slices. Sure, they might have missed an unrepeatable rally of a lifetime, but remember in March '09 the whole world was crumbling down.
Now, after $$ billions of patches here and there it seems that the bull stopped bleeding for a bit. But how to cure cancer? Advil and Tylenol?

My deepest advice now is to embrace whatever cash you have and remember that it might be gone in hours (not to say minutes) if some truth hits the MSM.
Therefore, if you're a day trader, stare at your position non stop. If long term investor and already invested some Football or Sitcom and don't worry about your long term investments. In 10-15 years you should be fine hopefully.
If you are out of the market and want to get in now.......oh I said.....If you feel it in you and are brave enough.....go for it. But it has to be on your own advice.....NOBODY ELSE'S.
